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[Project-KO] Light Farm/PVP | New Server Phoenix! [10.05.2019] - 11:00 PERU TIME

Esta es una discusión para el tema [Project-KO] Light Farm/PVP | New Server Phoenix! [10.05.2019] - 11:00 PERU TIME en el foro Servidores Privados, bajo la categoría Knight Online; Hello everyone. We are happy to annouce our new server Phoenix. We have prepared some cool things for our old ...
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    Exclamation [Project-KO] Light Farm/PVP | New Server Phoenix! [10.05.2019] - 11:00 PERU TIME

    Hello everyone. We are happy to annouce our new server Phoenix. We have prepared some cool things for our old & new players which you can read below.
    this is the right place. Join the growing community and have some fun.

    ### Official Release ###
    Date: 10.05.2019
    Time: 6PM GMT+2
    19:00 TR - 11:00 PERU - 18:00 PL

    Basic Server Informations:
    Level Cap: 72
    Server Type: Light Farm Myko Style
    Starting Level: 1
    Master Quest: Required Guide CLICK HERE
    Level 70 Skill: Required Guide CLICK HERE

    Offical Launch Basic Informations:
    1. All donators of year 2018 will receive 15 days DELUX Premium. Doesnt matter how much and on which server you donated.
    2. We will be doing offical server stream every weekend with give-away worth of 5-10k Knight Cash: Click
    3. There wont be "Stages" this time. Server will start with max level 72 & Max upgrade +8/1.
    4. Master Quest will be off for first week.
    5. A lot of things has been changed & added in last months. Check full list here: Click
    6. Iron Necklace, Iron Belt, Glass Belt, Chitin Shield is removed from drop for some time in beginning.
    7. Events enabled: Border Defense War, Death Match (Chaos), Collecting Race, Classic War. Rest of events will be added slowly with server progression.
    8. Video Contest will be avaliable again without a limit. Make a pk movie of our server and we will reward you 500-5000 Knight Cash depends on how good is your movie.
    9. Isiloon & Mini Isiloon will be removed at the beginning.
    10. Top 50 Monthly & Most active users from April will be rewarded with 15 days DELUX premium.

    Helpful Links:
    - Whats New
    - All Server Changes/Updates
    - Guides & Rules
    - Power Up Store
    - Drop List
    - Item Quest
    - Upgrade Rates
    - Gem, Frag, Chest Exchange Probabilitiest

    Check out our forum for more informations. Annoucement & Guide sections there you can find everything with specific explainations.
    See you & Lets get some fun
    Project-KO Team
    Última edición por ProjectKO; 23/04/2019 a las 11:32

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